Forbes: The Mirrored Media Founder Transforming Experiential Marketing
In 2011, Justin Lefkovitch founded Mirrored Media, a leading experiential marketing company that specializes in creating high impact, enduring lifestyle campaigns that unite marquee artists with influential brands. The 27-year-old and his tight-knit team of skilled young forward-thinkers help brands connect with their target demographic through crafting organic music experiences. The …
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The New York Times: The Disconnected Undercut Hairstyle Mixes Long and Short with Justin Lefkovitch
The Disconnected Undercut Hairstyle Mixes Long and Short By STEVEN KURUTZ Short on the sides, longer on top. For decades, those seven words, understood in every barbershop in the land, were told to the person wielding the clippers. Not anymore. Now the style is called the disconnected undercut, and these …
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Distribion: Marketing & Music Branded Content Hits Center Stage with Justin Lefkovitch
What do rooftop concerts, see-saws, and incredible food give you? South by Southwest® Year after year, the South by Southwest (SXSW®) festival has been on the cusp of groundbreaking ideas inspiring creative thinking in the realms of music, film and technology. SXSW’s creative mold has driven thousands of people to …
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